Understanding semen catalog

Important note:
All data presented was obtained from the Spanish ASSAF breeders association (ASSAF.E) genetic improvement program and is based in the Spanish ASSAF population and the farms under the selective nucleus of the genetic improvement program.

As a summary, please see the table below with the average results from ASSAF.E.

 1993-201620162016 (Average 10% best)
Number of ewes 303,042 64,307 6,597
Validated lactations 818,195 66,001 6,601
Milk Production (P150d) 323 kg (712 lbs) 373kg (822 lbs) 627kg (1,486 lbs)
Total Milk Production:
Lactaction Legth
Milk Production

394kg (868 lbs)

448kg (988 lbs)

802kg (1,768 lbs)
Milk Components (150d):
Protein %
Fat %




*Validated lactations according to ICAR rules of AT4 milk recording.

Trait definitions:

Star: Star System. This system represents the Estimated Breeding Value for Milk Production (EBV MP) of a male it ranks from * Good to ****Excellent.

PRT: Estimated Breeding Value for milk protein content
FAT: Estimated Breeding Value for milk fat content

MBL: Mother’s best lactation, in pounds.
MBLL: Mother’s Best Lactation Length.
MMP150d: Mother’s average Milk Production at 150 days, in pounds.
MNL: Mother’s Number of Lactations used to calculate the average milk production at 150d, in pounds.

TND: Total Number of Daughters the male has in his lineage.
NFD: Number of Flocks with Daughters of the male.
DMP150d: Daughters average Milk Production at 150d, in pounds.
NLD: Number of Lactations in Daughters used to calculate the Average lactation at 150d.